Tuesday, May 15, 2007

utah's alcohol

It has come up in recent conversations about how ice cream is Utah's alcohol. Interesting. Also, Diet Coke/Pepsi has been placed on the "Utah alcohol" list. After living in Utah for 4 years, I think I have slowly transformed into a ice creamholic. And now I'm heading to Milwaukee, another city known for alcohol... I'll try to avoid any transforming while I'm there.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

cell voice mails

I have found myself bothered by all the options you are given when reaching someone's cell phone voice mail. Why does leaving a voice message have to be so complicated? Has anyone ever sent a fax through a cell phone? The cell phone industry is wasting our time.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I pulled a Frank

I saw the movie, "Catch Me If You Can" for the first time. Wow, Frank Abagnale is a genius. And now he's a successful multi-millionaire. Um, what can we learn from this...? Though we can make really bad decisions (Over 5 years work under 8 identities and pass bad checks worth over $2.5 million in 26 countries), we can learn from it and become a success story. He now runs his own financial fraud company and helps the FBI in catching fraud. I guess when we make bad life decisions, we should just throw our hands in the air and say, "Whoops, I pulled a Frank Abagnale!" And hope that you'll use what you learned to become a multi-millionaire.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

last call for beto's

I ate at Beto's tonight. I have always been a huge advocate for Beto's and the greasy-delicious burritos. I think tonight's visit was my last. Gnawing on the "mammoth mexican monster," I think I am beginning to see why so many don't like it... Sad day.

Look closely at my excitement and anticipation... I didn't have that smile afterwards. (Note: These pictures were taken on my new Canon SD1000(7.1 megapixels)...) (Note #2: the third picture is titled "The Beto's Flute")

Friday, May 04, 2007

grad pics

Enjoy some pictures from the graduation day.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

women everywhere

Apparently it is "Women's Conference" here at BYU. They are everywhere. It is scary. And why is it scary? I don't know. I'm trying to stay in my office until the crowds lessen.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

bulgaria in print

When my parents were in town, they brought out the Travel section of the Star Tribune in which Bulgaria was featured on the front of. It was fun to see Bulgaria get some recognition that it deserves as a pretty sweet place. Click on the map to see the article. Go Bulgaria!

it's official

Last Friday, I know I flipped my tassel to the "other" side. But the moment of truth was when I went to the BYU bookstore and purchased my BYU Alumni License plate frame. It was a big moment, now I'm a graduate... if they mail me my diploma.