Saturday, October 27, 2007

broon improved

Per request of diablahg himself. I've refreshed my photoshop skills and finally worked on something that should have been fixed long ago. Here it is....

(the creent picture is from the limbeck show, the picture with the singer. it's my favorite)
(creent had red eye in the picture.... I think I may have darkened the eyes too much. I think there's some red eye tool... but I'm not that good)

new church campaign

The church has a new media campaign. It's really neat. Check it out.

Friday, October 26, 2007

totally fortune

I just got this fortune cookie last week. Check it out, it's totally awesome.

(Maybe it was written by a chinese valley girl.)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I just saw this one on TV. What a great marketing campaign. The website is good too, a lot of good stories.