I went down to Chicago today. Coming back I saw the "Wisconsin welcomes you" sign and it hit me that you can judge a state by it's sign. Which goes against "don't judge a book by its cover." When I've gone from Minnesota to Wisconsin there is the same "timber-looking"/handmade looking welcome sign... it says a lot. I think Minnesota's is very nice and professional looking... it says a lot.

By the way, when searching for these "sign pictures," I found a sweet site where a guy seems to have dedicated his life to taking pictures of "welcome" signs. This guy is a amazing, that's him pictured above. Check out his very informative site here. Google "Welcome to (enter your state here)" and judge your state today.
So what does the timber-looking/handmade-looking welcome sign say about the two states? Given my upbringing on the East Coast, it says "backwoods yokel states" to me. :)
I didn't see a texas one but I have seen one on the border of texas and new mexico and it is WEAK sauce. Just a simple sign. But thats how we texans are, not too flashy or prideful. ha.
what?! the old school sign doesn't say anything about the two states. You can't spread a welcome sign onto to two states, every welcome sign for its own state...
There's some texas signs on this site:
this isn't anything to do with welcome signs, but i got an email from kohl's today and i like to think you personally sent it. so thanks.
glad to hear. Just remember... expect great things.
Bryce, I really like your last comment, the one that says to "expect great things" Your blog is awesome! Keep up the great work!
I saw the Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa signs last week. With each sign I thought of you talking about your blog...4slycebryce!!
Good for people to know.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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