Monday, August 13, 2007

quarter century old

I've passed a new milestone in my life today. I have survived 25 years of life. And what did I do to commemorate my 25th year from birth...? I went to work, got frustrated at work, received entertaining voice messages, received a creative package in the mail from my momma, received a birthday card from my bishop, and ate some good pizza.(Check out this sweet bday pic with the roomies. We did not plan our outfits... (I swear, you can even ask my roommates) but we're pretty much an italian flag at an Italian restaurant. I guess it could be a Bulgarian flag too. But we were at an italian pizza joint. It was blissful. P.S. - If pizza club went to this place, I would have to say it would be pizza club approved.)


Veronica said...

well way to go. happy birthday.

stern mister serious said...

Good to see you looking 25. You're a handsome young man.

meredith said...

happy birthday friend. late but as sincere as ever.