Monday, April 02, 2007

firsts on the first

Yesterday was a day full of firsts, and how fitting that it was on April 1st:
  • Attended Sunday morning conference (I've been to conference before, but not the Sunday morning session, it's the "real" session.)
  • My mom met a real Bulgarian for the first time. (Rumiana from Sofia.)
  • Ran into "ex-girlfriends" (2) on temple square and met their new boyfriends for the first time.
  • Ate spaghetti with a meat thermometer for the first time.
  • Completed my taxes for the first time.(TurboTax rocks. We'll see if I did it correctly.)
  • Also, I attended Waffle night for the first time.
I had a chance for another first - changing a baby's diaper - but I had to opt out of that one. I'm still holding strong.


Veronica said...

Was Waffle Night right up your alley? For some reason I think it might be right up your alley. I could be wrong though.

4-Slyce said...

it was up my alley as much as a waffle night could be. what a fun atmosphere.

hanner said...

Did you know I'd find this? Is that why so many good things are said about Waffle Night? Good choice, Bryce.